Tag Archives: Ticino
Ticino Wine Trails
Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 3: Yet another wine trail in the Swiss Canton of Ticino for me to rave about. This one is a twin (actually a triplet) to the one I wrote about earlier: Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 1. (See it here.) Although the two trails share many characteristics, there are enough differences to make each uniquely enjoyable.
Itinerari 3 is a multinational trail! While the trail begins in Rancate, Switzerland, it weaves through the Italian village of Clivio, Italy, before returning to its start in Rancate. Thus, it provided me another opportunity to visit the Italo-Swiss lake region. This trail has water views, unlike the other trail which is set close to, but on the other side of the ridge from, Lake Como. An especially memorable view was from on high of Lake Lugano: a stunning blue gemstone set amidst a spring-green landscape. It was a surprise, a delight, and above all, an unforgettable treat.

Wine Notes: Ticino Wines
What I Learned:
Switzerland’s Ticino canton ranks as the fourth most important wine growing canton in Switzerland. The area of Monte San Giorgio, a UNESCO-designated World Heritage Property, is particularly favored for growing grapes because of its microclimate, its hydrological characteristics, and especially its geology. From glacier sediment to marine sediment to clay, from limestone to bituminous schist to sandstone, the diverse nature of its soil results in ideal conditions for cultivating green grapes (mainly in the alkaline soils), and red grapes (primarily in the acidic soils.) In total, approximately 500,000 liters of wine comes from the Monte San Giorgio area alone each year.
Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 3 – Trail in a Nutshell
Trail Name: Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 3
Trail Type: medium distance circuit; mostly paved, some path, mostly well maintained, and marked in some places.
Length: total – 16.8 kilometers/10.45 miles
Convenient to: Chiasso or Lugano, Switzerland; or Varese or Como, Italy
Marking: Purple stylized grapes on a light background. (May be seen in conjunction with white stylized grapes on a purple background – the marking for mountain bikes.)
Continue reading Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 3 – Trail in a Nutshell
Gallery April 2015
Ticino: What I Found Instead
In my search in Italy for a DOC wine producing region around Lake Como, Lake Maggiore or Lake Lugano, I found nothing. Instead, I made a great find just over the border in Switzerland: delicious wines from the southern-most part of the Ticino, complemented with great food, and well-laid-out vineyard trails.
The Ticino is Italianate Switzerland, with similar weather and feel to it. It is set in a small piece of land which is roughly bounded by Lake Como, Lake Lugano, and Lake Maggiore. The beautiful lakes are surrounded by mountains which range away in ridges from the lakes in ever increasing heights, ending in snow-capped peaks. This hike began by the lowest ridge, which is also where the vines begin.

Wine Notes: Switzerland’s Ticino
What I Learned:
The Ticino canton ranks as the fourth most important wine growing canton in Switzerland. Wine production in this area can be dated to the Roman era. Some of the older varietals formerly grown in this area, such as the Freisa, Paganona, and Rossera, were devastated by the phylloxera parasite which arrived in the Ticino around 1893.
This area is now famed for its Merlot grapes. These were primarily introduced at the beginning of last century, after, and in response to, the phylloxera epidemic. They are grown in about 1000 hectares of this canton. Merlot buds rather later in the spring compared to some other varietals, and its harvest in this area occurs at the end of September or beginning of October. From these grapes, its vintners produce a red wine version, aged in oak or steel, and a unique white wine version. Look for “Merlot Vinificato in Bianco.” Approximately 85% of all wine production in this canton is Merlot.
Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 1 – Trail in a Nutshell
Trail Name: Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 1 (Through the Vineyards 1)
Trail Type: medium distance circuit; on asphalt in urban areas, or hard packed gravel otherwise, with a few stairs or risers in the steep areas; well maintained, and well-marked.
Length: total: 12.5 km/7.8 miles
Convenient to: Chiasso or Lugano, Switzerland; or Como, Italy
Marking: A florescent green triangle on a square purple background, with stylized white grapes in the corner. Alternatively, the same stylized grapes but in purple, on an arrow-shaped yellow marker displaying a hiker. Note: While the green triangle could indicate a mountain-bike route, I noted that following it in the absence of the yellow marker, still kept me on track with my navigation device.

Continue reading Itinerari Tra I Vigneti 1 – Trail in a Nutshell