Tag Archives: Austrian wine trails
Rosé at the Spa
Bad Gams is an Austrian spa town, quaint, quiet, thoroughly devoted to relaxation. What better way to relax than an early morning hike, (provisioned with mineral waters), some time at a spa, followed by a sampling of the local, but widely known, Rosé: Schilcher?

In fact, the trail I followed early one June morning was entitled the Schilcherkellerweg. A mouthful for so early in the morning, but broken down it translates as Schilcher Cellar Trail. It was an easy-going (figuratively and literally speaking) hike that took in the best of what this area has to offer: vineyards and spa waters.

The Heights of Styrian Vines
Set in the highest wine village in Europe, the Kitzecker Weinwanderweg surely lived up to its name, with multiple steep, vine-laden slopes to conquer, culminating in a sense of standing on top of the wine world. But having multiple opportunities to crest some of the highest slopes in the district, I could see for myself the incredible 360 degree vistas that height affords, all around this tranquil village in southern Styria.

The trail was nicely laid out. The elevation changed constantly, leading through diverse landscapes. From village center to meadows and forests. Then there were the vineyards, irregularly shaped parcels covering sun-drenched slopes, often in view, and only occasionally passed through. There were streams and hillsides to walk along, usually shaded by old trees. In other words, there is a lot of variety to be had in a relatively short distance.

Hiking this trail in June meant long days, hot sun and lush vegetation in the meadows, forests and vineyards. So I began this short (9.2 kilometer) trail at around 5 p.m., when the sun was less fierce, and the temperatures dropped. While the leaf-cover from trees overhead was much appreciated, there wasn’t much I could do about the vegetation in the meadows. In a couple of places, it rose about 1.25 meters/four feet high, and unfortunately ticks, and tick-borne diseases, are on the rise in Europe. Where possible, I took an alternate route to rejoin the trail through vineyards or forest. Fortunately, this was possible as the town has a number of trails through and around it, making it a hiker’s paradise. Unfortunately though, on that day I belatedly concluded that this idyllic trail might be best hiked in later fall or early spring, when the meadow vegetation has scaled back.

But even my couple of alternative routes (one along a road) were conducted in peaceful solitude. In reality, you get here a lot of quiet here. No rushing vehicles, no bustling village center. There is the wine museum right at the start of the trail that should not be missed, but otherwise, there is not much to indicate an actual urban hub. The village is more like a series of beautifully maintained farms loosely strung along a country lane. A couple of farms have converted to tourist accommodations, ranging from elegant to simple. Other farms do double duty as restaurants or wine taverns.

A church dramatically tops the highest point of Kitzeck. Its tower is like a beacon, and eyes from all around are drawn to it, starkly thrust up against an endless sky. Inside is simply decorated. But this small church with its stunning location, needs no further adornment.

But while the hikers tendency might be to look down, as from the church, the high vantage point around, or from an open hillside, to appreciate the steepness of the terrain hikers should pause to look up every now and then along this trail. The vines seem to be stacked on top of each other, and the trees rise like sentinels, one behind the other. The luxuriant and brilliant greens were everywhere and constantly evolving. The greens darkened and the blues intensified as the sun sank lower in the horizon.

Leaving the final forested section, I entered a compound of half a dozen houses and farm buildings. Here I passed a wine tavern, sadly closed on a Tuesday at around 7:30 on a beautiful evening. My thirst unquenched, but visually rewarded with a dramatic view of the church tower, backlit by the last rays of the setting sun, I made my way to the top of the hill, passing the church, and enjoying the last views of the day from yet another wine-themed trail, this time in Kitzeck.

Kitzecker Weinwanderweg: Trail in a Nutshell
Trail Name: Kitzecker Weinwanderweg
Trail Type: Short-distance circuit trail; mostly well-maintained and with a variety of trail surfaces; marking on the trail mostly good.
Total – 9.3 kilometers/5.75 miles
Convenient to: Graz, or Leibnitz, Austria
Marking: Black number 8 on a rectangular red and white stripe background

Trail Description: This trail passes through a great variety of landscapes, and its hikers will encounter diverse trail conditions along the way. Three significant inclines/declines, but once on top hikers will enjoy fantastic panoramas of the surrounding district and beyond.
Kitzeck in Sausal, Steinriegel, by the wine museum and church
Kitzeck in Sausal, Steinriegel, by the wine museum and the church
Public Transportation Options:
Rail: Closest rail connection is in Leibnitz, coming from Graz. The Austrian train system is the Oesterreichische Bundesbahnen (OeBB), and the https://www.oebb.at/en/fahrplan link will provide timetable information for both the OeBB trains and Post bus system. (See below).
Bus: The OeBB Post bus system currently (June 2020) services Kitzeck from Leibnitz about 3 times a day on weekdays. Less often on weekends or holidays.
Suggested Stages: Not applicable
Trail Itinerary-Reference Points: (Clockwise)
Kitzeck: Sauegg Weg, path (found across from Kitzeckmueller tavern/restaurant driveway) through field then woods downhill to Sauegg, path along stream; Greith: cross L636, Schnabelveigl Weg; Annaberg: Landgutstr, path through forested area, Poetscherlweg; Perlleiten: along hamlet lane, vineyards, meadow, then pass Weingut Albert; Kleingauitsch: Uphill along L678, turn right onto path through fields and vineyards, woods; Kitzeck: Joshweg-Sacherneggweg I, L636 (AKA: Steinriegel and Sausaler Weinstrasse)
Representative Trail Photos:

Kitzeck: Steinriegel, behind the wine museum
Attractions on or near Trail:
Wein Museum: Highest wine museum in Europe
Tasting along the Trail:
Several wineries along or very close by, the trail
Alternative Options:
Biking: The Weinstrasse Tour offers four different variations (72, 49, 31 or 25 kilometer-circuits) on mostly little used roads through this wine district.
Mountain biking: The Klapotetz (elaborate scarecrow-like devices vintners use in the vineyards) MTB Runde is a 31-kilometer-long circuit passing through Kitzeck, and passing as far south as Heimschuh.
Car: Both the Suedsteirische Weinstrasse and the Sausaler Weinstrasse are relatively short, scenic car routes which take visitors to different wine villages, wineries and past local vineyards in this area.
Additional Information:
Regional: https://www.kitzecksausal.at/tourismus/tourismusverband/
Trail specific: https://www.outdooractive.com/de/route/wanderung/suedwest-steiermark/kitzecker-weinwanderweg-/1512229/
Trail sections through meadows can be rather overgrown in June.