Trail Name: Nellele Rundweg
Trail Type: Short distance circuit; often paved, the remainder is hard-packed earth, well maintained, the route is very well marked.
Length: total: 7.2 kilometers/4.5 miles
Convenient to: Baden-Baden, and Karlsruhe, Germany
Marking: A purple-pink circle on a white background.

Trail Description: This mostly easy trail, suitable for all ages, passes along, or within sight of some of the best vineyards of the area. However, there is a marvelous diversity of landscape here, passing through not only vineyards, but also along streams and ponds, and often through woods, making this an ideal summer hiking trail for families.
Trailhead: Wanderparkplatz Gruenbachtal, Baden-Baden
Parking Possibilities:
Wanderparkplatz Gruenbachtal: between Varnhalt and Baden-Baden outskirts, on L84a
Sports fields parking: Am Gruenbach, Varnhalt/Baden-Baden
Rastplatz (Rest area) Nellele: upper end of Nellenbergstrasse, Varnhalt
Public Transportation Options:
Bus: Bus 216 from Baden-Baden to Gallenbacherstr, Varnhalt/Baden-Baden
Suggested Stages: Not applicable
Trail Itinerary-Reference Points: (Counterclockwise)
Gruenbachtal parking area; Gruenbachtal sports fields, Uli’s Schlemmertreff-Am Gruenbach, Gallenbacherstr/L84a; Roederswaldweg-Café Roederswald; Nellenbergstr-Rest area and hut Nellele; (Wein)gut Naegelsfoerst; Burggaertle Hut; woods, then small pools of water; (back within sight of Nellele rest area, turn right), fish ponds; L84a
Representative Trail Photos:

Rastplatz (Rest area): upper end of Nellenbergstrasse, Varnhalt
Attractions on or near Trail: Just pure nature
Tasting along the Trail:
Gut Naegelsfoerst, on the trail at the top of Nellenbergstrasse.
Alternative Options:
Hiking: Ortenauer Weinpfad, a long-distance (91 kilometer) trail, traverses some of this itinerary, and much more south from Baden-Baden. See details here.
Car: Varnhalt is on the Badische Weinstrasse Route for cars
Additional Information:
Trail (segment) specific:
Nellenberg is the name of the mostly vine- covered mountain rising above Varnhalt. This trail passes along or within close proximity of the vineyards of: Altenberg, Sommerhalde, and Klosterbergfelsen.
An even shorter loop is possible if starting at the Nellele Rest area, and return (vice turning right to go downhill) once back within sight of it. (This also eliminates the fairly steep climb from the sports fields to the Nellele hut.)