Trail Name(s): Franciacorta Brut/Itinerario 3/Percorso Verde (Green)
Trail Type: short distance cycling circuit; mostly hard-packed gravel or paved in built-up areas, well maintained and marked.
Length: total: 30 km/18 miles
Convenient to: Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
Marking: Brown rectangular signage with white and green writing (“Percorso Verde”)

Trail Description: A delightful ride through villages, fields, vineyards, and some wooded areas, along a combination of pedestrian/cycle paths, paved or hard-packed surface, and roads, lightly-travelled in most cases. Some gradients, mostly long and gradual, although there are a couple of steeper gradients thrown in.
Trailhead: Clusane D’Iseo (official)
Parking Possibilities:
Clusane: parking along the main Iseo/Paratico road in places
Capriolo: at the end of Via Niggeler
Nigoline: near cemetery on via Santa Eufemia
Public Transportation Options:
Rail: to Iseo from Brescia
Suggested Stages: Not applicable
Trail Itinerary-Reference Points:
Clusane: Strada Provinciale 12. Paratico: Via Tengattini-Via Gorizia-via San Pietro; Bredasole winery; Cemetery; Park area along the Oglio River; Capriolo: Via Niggeler-Via Roma-Via Vittorio Emanuele-Via Chiesa-Via Simeone Paratico-Via Colzano; Contadi Costaldi winery; Adro: Via Provinciale-Via Verdi-Via Roma-Via Umberto I-Via Simoni-Via Carota; Bella Vista vineyard, Via Cave; Nigoline: cemetery, Via Santa Eufemia, Via Mons G. Bonomelli; Colombaro: Via Nazaro Sauro; Clusane: Via Luigi di Bernardo
Representative Trail Photos:

Restrooms: No public facilities observed, but plenty of bars (which cost a purchase).
Attractions on or near Trail:
Lago D’Iseo: one of Italy’s most beautiful Alpine lakes
Clusane: historic town center, facing onto the lake, excellent food
Tasting along the Trail: This circuit passes by or near the Bredasole, Lantieri de Paratico, Contadi Castaldi and Corte Aura wineries, but advance reservations are required to visit, as is the case with most Franciacorta wineries.
Alternative Options:
Car: Strada del Vino Franciacorta
Additional Information:
Trail (segment) specific:
This is one of a series of five wine-themed circuits, each approximately 30 kilometers long. They can be combined to make a longer ride, as they either overlap, or come close to overlapping, at several places.
Being a circuit, it is possible to begin anywhere. Parking areas, as identified above, are suitable for alternative start points.
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